Hear What Our Partners Have To Say About Their Success With 1 DAY® Refinishing Business Model

Interested in becoming a 1 DAY® Refinishing Partner? Check out our case studies and testimonials from current partners with diverse backgrounds.

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Case Studies & Reviews

Our business model has been successfully implemented in over 50 cities across the USA, Canada, Australia, and the UK. With our step-by-step blueprint, you can learn how to build a profitable business without any previous experience in the floor refinishing industry. Our prime partners earning between $12,300 and $28,640 per month without touching the tools! Whether you are a current floor sander looking to grow your business, a sales rep with a passion for customer service, or anyone with a business mindset, 1 DAY® Refinishing Model has the potential to transform your life and your financial future.


Cezar operated as a Floor Refinishing Contractor in Vancouver, Canada for roughly 15 years before becoming a partner of 1 DAY® Refinishing Company.

“After 15 years in the refinishing industry, I have finally shifted in my business to OWN my day and so my business does not own me. 6 crews are working for me now, and my main job is meeting with clients. I have been doing everything by the 1 Day refinishing model blueprint – because it works!”

Luis Hernandez

Before becoming a 1 DAY® Refinishing partner, Luis was working as a helper for one of the local refinishers in Columbus, OH, USA.

“It was a quick start, 6 months ago I was working on an edger making $3800 per month, and now I’m managing 3 crews, making 2-3X of what I was making without being on my knees”

Why 1 DAY® Refinishing Partners are Successful?

Request access to our New Partner Presentation today and discover how our proven business model and step-by-step blueprint can help you start earning between $12,300 and $28,640 per month without touching the tools!

Reviews From New Partners

Joe (Kingston, ON 🇨🇦)

Will (East Rockaway, NY 🇺🇸)

James (New York, USA 🇺🇸)

Luis (Columbus, OH 🇺🇸)

Claudio (Maple Ridge, BC 🇨🇦)

Ben (Victoria, BC 🇨🇦)

Why 1 DAY® Refinishing Partners are Successful?

Request access to our New Partner Presentation today and discover how our proven business model and step-by-step blueprint can help you start earning between $12,300 and $28,640 per month without touching the tools!

Model in Action Testimonials

David (Melbourne, Australia)

Growing my business by the blueprint. I have 4 crews working under my belt, and one of them is the company I worked for as a sales rep. Life is good 🙂

Claudio (Maple Ridge, Canada)

Been in the refinishing all my life, and now want to grow, I’m just starting and getting about 30 Jobs Requests and close almost half of them! Learning how to charge double what I usually used to charge

Ben (Victoria, Canada)

I don’t have to chase jobs anymore, leads are coming in and people know about the company.I hear all the times that clients like the website and these reviews.. its a hot spot to be..

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For example Austin, Texas